var FormCheck = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options : { tipsClass: 'tipsbox', //tips error class errorClass: 'error_f', //div error class fieldErrorClass: 'fc-field-error', //error class for elements submitByAjax : false, //false : standard submit way, true : submit by ajax ajaxResponseDiv : false, //element to inject ajax response into (can also use onAjaxSuccess) [cronix] ajaxEvalScripts : false, //use evalScripts in the Request response [cronix] onAjaxRequest : $empty, //Function to fire when the Request event starts onAjaxSuccess : $empty, //Function to fire when the Request receives . Args: response [the request response] - see Mootools docs for Request.onSuccess onAjaxFailure : $empty, //Function to fire if the Request fails display : { showErrors : 1, errorsLocation : 1, indicateErrors : 1, keepFocusOnError : 0, checkValueIfEmpty : 1, addClassErrorToField : 0, fixPngForIe : 1, replaceTipsEffect : 1, flashTips : 0, closeTipsButton : 1, tipsPosition : "right", tipsOffsetX : -45, tipsOffsetY : 0, listErrorsAtTop : false, scrollToFirst : true, fadeDuration : 300 }, alerts : { required: "Questo campo è obbligatorio", alpha: "Questo campo può contenere solamente lettere", alphanum: "Questo campo può contenere solamente lettere e numeri", nodigit: "I numeri non sono ammessi", digit: "Inserisci un numero intero valido", digitmin: "The number must be at least %0", digitltd: "The value must be between %0 and %1", number: "Please enter a valid number.", email: "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido.", phone: "Inserisci un numero di telefono valido", domain: "Invalid Domain format, only Alphanumeric characters are accepted and - no space, hyphens or periods.", url: "Inserisci un url valido", confirm: "This field is different from %0", differs: "This value must be different of %0", length_str: "The length is incorrect, it must be between %0 and %1", lengthmax: "The length is incorrect, it must be at max %0", lengthmin: "The length is incorrect, it must be at least %0", checkbox: "Please check the box", radios: "Please select a radio", select: "Please choose a value" }, regexp : { required : /[^.* ]/, alpha: /^(?! +$)[a-z.,_ -]+$/i, alphanum : /^(?! +$)[a-z\d,_ -]+$/i, digit : /^(?! +$)[\dd.,_ -]+$/, nodigit : /^(?! +$)\D+$/, number : /^(?! $)[-+]?\d*\.?\d+$/, phone : /^(?! $)[\d\s ().-]+$/, domain: /^[a-z\d\-]+$/i, email : /^(?! $)[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$/i, url : /^(?! $)(http|https|ftp)\:\/\/[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-z]{2,3}(:[a-z0-9]*)?\/?([a-z0-9\-\._\?\,\'\/\\\+&%\$#\=~])*$/i } }, /* Constructor: initialize Constructor Add event on formular and perform some stuff, you now, like settings, ... */ initialize : function(form, options) { if (this.form = { this.form.isValid = true; this.regex = ['length']; this.setOptions(options); //internalization if (typeof(formcheckLanguage) != 'undefined') this.options.alerts = formcheckLanguage; this.validations = []; this.alreadyIndicated = false; this.firstError = false; var regex = new Hash(this.options.regexp); regex.each(function(el, key) { this.regex.push(key); }, this); this.form.getElements("*[class*=validate]").each(function(el) { el.validation = []; var classes = el.getProperty("class").split(' '); classes.each(function(classX) { if(classX.match(/^validate(\[.+\])$/)) { var validators = eval(classX.match(/^validate(\[.+\])$/)[1]); for(var i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) { el.validation.push(validators[i]); } this.register(el); } }, this); }, this); this.form.addEvents({ "submit": this.onSubmit.bind(this) }); if(this.options.display.fixPngForIe) this.fixIeStuffs(); document.addEvent('mousewheel', function(){ this.isScrolling = false; }.bind(this)); } }, /* Function: register Private method Add listener on fields */ register : function(el) { this.validations.push(el); el.errors = []; if (el.validation[0] == 'submit') { el.addEvent('click', function(e){ this.onSubmit(e); }.bind(this)); return true; } if (this.isChildType(el) == false) el.addEvent('blur', function(e) { if((el.element || this.options.display.showErrors == 1) && (this.options.display.checkValueIfEmpty || el.value)) this.manageError(el, 'blur'); }.bind(this)) //We manage errors on radio else if (this.isChildType(el) == true) { //We get all radio from the same group and add a blur option var nlButtonGroup = $ES('input[name="'+ el.getProperty("name") +'"]', this.form); nlButtonGroup.each(function(radio){ radio.addEvent('blur', function(){ if((el.element || this.options.display.showErrors == 1) && (this.options.display.checkValueIfEmpty || el.value)) this.manageError(el, 'click'); }.bind(this)) },this); } }, /* Function: validate Private method Dispatch check to other methods */ validate : function(el) { el.errors = []; el.isOk = true; //On valide l'lment qui n'est pas un radio ni checkbox el.validation.each(function(rule) { if(this.isChildType(el)) { if (this.validateGroup(el) == false) { el.isOk = false; } } else { var ruleArgs = []; if(rule.match(/^.+\[/)) { var ruleMethod = rule.split('[')[0]; ruleArgs = eval(rule.match(/^.+(\[.+\])$/)[1].replace(/([A-Z\.]+)/i, "'$1'")); } else var ruleMethod = rule; if (this.regex.contains(ruleMethod) && el.get('tag') != "select") { if (this.validateRegex(el, ruleMethod, ruleArgs) == false) { el.isOk = false; } } if (ruleMethod == 'confirm') { if (this.validateConfirm(el, ruleArgs) == false) { el.isOk = false; } } if (ruleMethod == 'differs') { if (this.validateDiffers(el, ruleArgs) == false) { el.isOk = false; } } if (el.get('tag') == "select" || (el.type == "checkbox" && ruleMethod == 'required')) { if (this.simpleValidate(el) == false) { el.isOk = false; } } } }, this); if (el.isOk) return true; else return false; }, /* Function: simpleValidate Private method Perform simple check for select fields and checkboxes */ simpleValidate : function(el) { if (el.get('tag') == 'select' && (el.options[el.selectedIndex].text == el.options[0].text)) { el.errors.push(; return false; } else if (el.type == "checkbox" && el.checked == false) { el.errors.push(this.options.alerts.checkbox); return false; } return true; }, /* Function: validateRegex Private method Perform regex validations */ validateRegex : function(el, ruleMethod, ruleArgs) { var msg = ""; if (ruleArgs[1] && ruleMethod == 'length') { if (ruleArgs[1] == -1) { this.options.regexp.length = new RegExp("^[\\s\\S]{"+ ruleArgs[0] +",}$"); msg = this.options.alerts.lengthmin.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); } else if(ruleArgs[0] == ruleArgs[1]) { this.options.regexp.length = new RegExp("^[\\s\\S]{"+ ruleArgs[0] +"}$"); msg = this.options.alerts.length_fix.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); } else { this.options.regexp.length = new RegExp("^[\\s\\S]{"+ ruleArgs[0] +","+ ruleArgs[1] +"}$"); msg = this.options.alerts.length_str.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]).replace("%1",ruleArgs[1]); } } else if (ruleArgs[0] && ruleMethod == 'length') { this.options.regexp.length = new RegExp("^.{0,"+ ruleArgs[0] +"}$"); msg = this.options.alerts.lengthmax.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); } else { msg = this.options.alerts[ruleMethod]; } if (ruleArgs[1] && ruleMethod == 'digit') { var regres = true; if (!this.options.regexp.digit.test(el.value)) { el.errors.push(this.options.alerts[ruleMethod]); regres = false; } if (ruleArgs[1] == -1) { if (el.value >= ruleArgs[0]) var valueres = true; else var valueres = false; msg = this.options.alerts.digitmin.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); } else { if (el.value >= ruleArgs[0] && el.value <= ruleArgs[1]) var valueres = true; else var valueres = false; msg = this.options.alerts.digitltd.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]).replace("%1",ruleArgs[1]); } if (regres == false || valueres == false) { el.errors.push(msg); return false; } } else if (this.options.regexp[ruleMethod].test(el.value) == false) { el.errors.push(msg); return false; } return true; }, /* Function: validateConfirm Private method Perform confirm validations */ validateConfirm: function(el,ruleArgs) { if (el.validation.contains('required') == false) { el.validation.push('required'); } var confirm = ruleArgs[0]; if(el.value != this.form[confirm].value){ msg = this.options.alerts.confirm.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); el.errors.push(msg); return false; } return true; }, /* Function: validateDiffers Private method Perform differs validations */ validateDiffers: function(el,ruleArgs) { var confirm = ruleArgs[0]; if(el.value == this.form[confirm].value){ msg = this.options.alerts.differs.replace("%0",ruleArgs[0]); el.errors.push(msg); return false; } return true; }, /* Function: isChildType Private method Determine if the field is a group of radio or not. */ isChildType: function(el) { var elType = el.type.toLowerCase(); if((elType == "radio")) return true; return false; }, /* Function: validateGroup Private method Perform radios validations */ validateGroup : function(el) { el.errors = []; var nlButtonGroup = this.form[el.getProperty("name")]; = nlButtonGroup; var cbCheckeds = false; for(var i = 0; i < nlButtonGroup.length; i++) { if(nlButtonGroup[i].checked) { cbCheckeds = true; } } if(cbCheckeds == false) { el.errors.push(this.options.alerts.radios); return false; } else { return true; } }, /* Function: listErrorsAtTop Private method Display errors */ listErrorsAtTop : function(obj) { if(!this.form.element) { this.form.element = new Element('div', {'id' : 'errorlist', 'class' : this.options.errorClass}).injectTop(this.form); } if ($type(obj) == 'collection') { new Element('p').set('html',"" + obj[0].name + " : " + obj[0].errors[0]).injectInside(this.form.element); } else { if ((obj.validation.contains('required') && obj.errors.length > 0) || (obj.errors.length > 0 && obj.value && obj.validation.contains('required') == false)) { obj.errors.each(function(error) { new Element('p').set('html',"" + + " : " + error).injectInside(this.form.element); }, this); } } }, /* Function: manageError Private method Manage display of errors boxes */ manageError : function(el, method) { var isValid = this.validate(el); if ((!isValid && el.validation.contains('required')) || (!el.validation.contains('required') && el.value && !isValid)) { if(this.options.display.listErrorsAtTop == true && method == 'submit') this.listErrorsAtTop(el, method); if (this.options.display.indicateErrors == 2 ||this.alreadyIndicated == false || == { if(!this.firstError) this.firstError = el; this.alreadyIndicated = el; if (this.options.display.keepFocusOnError && == (function(){el.focus()}).delay(20); this.addError(el); return false; } } else if ((isValid || (!el.validation.contains('required') && !el.value)) && el.element) { this.removeError(el); return true; } return true; }, /* Function: addError Private method Add error message */ addError : function(obj) { if(this.options.display.showErrors == 1 && (!obj.element && this.options.display.indicateErrors != 0)) { if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 1) { var pos = (this.options.display.tipsPosition == 'left') ? obj.getCoordinates().left : obj.getCoordinates().right; var options = { 'opacity' : 0, 'position' : 'absolute', 'float' : 'left', 'left' : pos + this.options.display.tipsOffsetX } obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.tipsClass, 'styles' : options}).injectInside(document.body); this.addPositionEvent(obj); } else if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 2){ obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.errorClass, 'styles' : {'opacity' : 0}}).injectBefore(obj); } else if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 3){ obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.errorClass, 'styles' : {'opacity' : 0}}); if ($type( == 'object' || $type( == 'collection') obj.element.injectAfter([]); else obj.element.injectAfter(obj); } } if (obj.element) { obj.element.empty(); if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 1) { var errors = []; obj.errors.each(function(error) { errors.push(new Element('p').set('html', error)); }); var tips = this.makeTips(errors).injectInside(obj.element); if(this.options.display.closeTipsButton) { tips.getElements('a.close').addEvent('click', function(){ this.removeError(obj); }.bind(this)); } var offset = (Browser.Engine.trident) ? this.options.display.tipsOffsetY + 10 : this.options.display.tipsOffsetY; obj.element.setStyle('top', obj.getCoordinates().top - tips.getCoordinates().height + offset); } else { obj.errors.each(function(error) { new Element('p').set('html',error).injectInside(obj.element); }); } if (!Browser.Engine.trident5 && obj.element.getStyle('opacity') == 0) new Fx.Morph(obj.element, {'duration' : this.options.display.fadeDuration}).start({'opacity':[1]}); else obj.element.setStyle('opacity', 1); } if (this.options.display.addClassErrorToField && this.isChildType(obj) == false) { obj.addClass(this.options.fieldErrorClass); } }, /* Function: addPositionEvent Update tips position after a browser resize */ addPositionEvent : function(obj) { if(this.options.display.replaceTipsEffect) { obj.event = function(){ new Fx.Morph(obj.element, { 'duration' : this.options.display.fadeDuration }).start({ 'left':[obj.element.getStyle('left'), obj.getCoordinates().right + this.options.display.tipsOffsetX], 'top':[obj.element.getStyle('top'), obj.getCoordinates().top - obj.element.getCoordinates().height + this.options.display.tipsOffsetY] }); }.bind(this); } else { obj.event = function(){ obj.element.setStyles({ 'left':obj.getCoordinates().right + this.options.display.tipsOffsetX, 'top':obj.getCoordinates().top - obj.element.getCoordinates().height + this.options.display.tipsOffsetY }); }.bind(this) } window.addEvent('resize', obj.event); }, /* Function: removeError Private method Remove the error display */ removeError : function(obj) { this.firstError = false; this.alreadyIndicated = false; obj.errors = []; obj.isOK = true; window.removeEvent('resize', obj.event); if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 2) new Fx.Morph(obj.element, {'duration' : this.options.display.fadeDuration}).start({ 'height':[0] }); if (!Browser.Engine.trident5) { new Fx.Morph(obj.element, { 'duration' : this.options.display.fadeDuration, 'onComplete' : function() { if (obj.element) { obj.element.destroy(); obj.element = false; } }.bind(this) }).start({ 'opacity':[1,0] }); } else { obj.element.destroy(); obj.element = false; } if (this.options.display.addClassErrorToField && !this.isChildType(obj)) { obj.removeClass(this.options.fieldErrorClass); } }, /* Function: focusOnError Private method Create set the focus to the first field with an error if needed */ focusOnError : function (obj) { if (this.options.display.scrollToFirst && !this.alreadyFocused && !this.isScrolling) { if (this.alreadyIndicated.element) { switch (this.options.display.errorsLocation){ case 1 : var dest = obj.element.getCoordinates().top; break; case 2 : var dest = obj.element.getCoordinates().top-30; break; case 3 : var dest = obj.getCoordinates().top-30; break; } this.isScrolling = true; } else if (!this.options.display.indicateErrors) { var dest = obj.getCoordinates().top-30; } if (window.getScroll.y != dest) { new Fx.Scroll(window, { onComplete : function() { this.isScrolling = false; obj.focus(); }.bind(this) }).start(0,dest); } else { this.isScrolling = false; obj.focus(); } this.alreadyFocused = true; } }, /* Function: fixIeStuffs Private method Fix png for IE6 */ fixIeStuffs : function () { if (Browser.Engine.trident4) { //We fix png stuffs var rpng = new RegExp('url\\(([\.a-zA-Z0-9_/:-]+\.png)\\)'); var search = new RegExp('(.+)formcheck\.css'); for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){ if (document.styleSheets[i].href.match(/formcheck\.css$/)) { var root = document.styleSheets[i].href.replace(search, '$1'); var count = document.styleSheets[i].rules.length; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++){ var cssstyle = document.styleSheets[i].rules[j].style; var bgimage = root + cssstyle.backgroundImage.replace(rpng, '$1'); if (bgimage && bgimage.match(/\.png/i)){ var scale = (cssstyle.backgroundRepeat == 'no-repeat') ? 'crop' : 'scale'; cssstyle.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(enabled=true, src=\'' + bgimage + '\', sizingMethod=\''+ scale +'\')'; cssstyle.backgroundImage = "none"; } } } } } }, /* Function: makeTips Private method Create tips boxes */ makeTips : function(txt) { var table = new Element('table'); table.cellPadding ='0'; table.cellSpacing ='0'; table.border ='0'; var tbody = new Element('tbody').injectInside(table); var tr1 = new Element('tr').injectInside(tbody); new Element('td', {'class' : 'tl'}).injectInside(tr1); new Element('td', {'class' : 't'}).injectInside(tr1); new Element('td', {'class' : 'tr'}).injectInside(tr1); var tr2 = new Element('tr').injectInside(tbody); new Element('td', {'class' : 'l'}).injectInside(tr2); var cont = new Element('td', {'class' : 'c'}).injectInside(tr2); var errors = new Element('div', {'class' : 'err'}).injectInside(cont); txt.each(function(error) { error.injectInside(errors); }); if (this.options.display.closeTipsButton) new Element('a',{'class' : 'close'}).injectInside(cont); // new Element('div', {'style' : "clear:both"}).injectInside(cont); new Element('td', {'class' : 'r'}).injectInside(tr2); var tr3 = new Element('tr').injectInside(tbody); new Element('td', {'class' : 'bl'}).injectInside(tr3); new Element('td', {'class' : 'b'}).injectInside(tr3); new Element('td', {'class' : 'br'}).injectInside(tr3); return table; }, /* Function: reinitialize Private method Reinitialize form before submit check */ reinitialize: function() { this.validations.each(function(el) { if (el.element) { el.errors = []; el.isOK = true; if(this.options.display.flashTips == 1) { el.element.destroy(); el.element = false; } } }, this); if (this.form.element) this.form.element.empty(); this.alreadyFocused = false; this.firstError = false; this.alreadyIndicated = false; this.form.isValid = true; }, /* Function: submitByAjax Private method Send the form by ajax, and replace the form with response */ submitByAjax: function() { var url = this.form.getProperty('action'); this.fireEvent('ajaxRequest'); new Request({ url: url, method: this.form.getProperty('method'), data : this.form.toQueryString(), evalScripts: this.options.ajaxEvalScripts, onFailure: function(instance){ this.fireEvent('ajaxFailure', instance); }.bind(this), onSuccess: function(result){ this.fireEvent('ajaxSuccess', result); if(this.options.ajaxResponseDiv)'html',result); }.bind(this) }).send(); }, /* Function: onSubmit should be disabled for AWBS */ onSubmit: function(event) { } /* Function: onSubmit Private method Perform check on submit action onSubmit: function(event) { new Event(event).stop(); this.reinitialize(); this.validations.each(function(el) { if(!this.manageError(el,'submit')) this.form.isValid = false; }, this); if(this.form.isValid){ if(this.options.submitByAjax){ this.submitByAjax() } else { if (Get_Cookie('ddc26eb46bd6f59d37848ac9bdbc59eb')) { Delete_Cookie('ddc26eb46bd6f59d37848ac9bdbc59eb'); } else { this.form.submit() } } } else { this.focusOnError(this.firstError); this.form.submit() } } */ });